Get Currency Detail
Request via this endpoint to get the currency details of a specified currency
GET /api/v3/currencies/{currency}
GET /api/v3/currencies/BTC
"data" : {
"isMarginEnabled" : true,
"chains" : [
"chainName" : "BTC",
"withdrawalMinFee" : "0.001",
"withdrawalMinSize" : "0.0012",
"withdrawFeeRate" : "0",
"depositMinSize" : "0.0002",
"isWithdrawEnabled" : true,
"isDepositEnabled" : true,
"preConfirms" : 1,
"contractAddress" : "",
"chainId" : "btc",
"confirms" : 3
"chainName" : "KCC",
"withdrawalMinFee" : "0.00002",
"withdrawalMinSize" : "0.0008",
"withdrawFeeRate" : "0",
"depositMinSize" : null,
"isWithdrawEnabled" : true,
"isDepositEnabled" : true,
"preConfirms" : 20,
"contractAddress" : "0xfa93c12cd345c658bc4644d1d4e1b9615952258c",
"chainId" : "kcc",
"confirms" : 20
"chainName" : "BTC-Segwit",
"withdrawalMinFee" : "0.0005",
"withdrawalMinSize" : "0.0008",
"withdrawFeeRate" : "0",
"depositMinSize" : "0.0002",
"isWithdrawEnabled" : false,
"isDepositEnabled" : true,
"preConfirms" : 2,
"contractAddress" : "",
"chainId" : "bech32",
"confirms" : 2
"contractAddress" : null,
"isDebitEnabled" : true,
"fullName" : "Bitcoin",
"precision" : 8,
"currency" : "BTC",
"name" : "BTC",
"confirms" : null
"code" : "200000"
This endpoint support Spot URL
Public weight
Param | Type | Mandatory | Description |
currency | String | Yes | Path parameter, Currency |
chain | String | No | Support for querying the chain of currency, e.g. The available value for USDT are OMNI, ERC20, TRC20. This only apply for multi-chain currency, and there is no need for single chain currency. |
Param | Description |
currency | A unique currency code that will never change |
name | Currency name, will change after renaming |
fullName | Full name of a currency, will change after renaming |
precision | Currency precision |
confirms | Number of block confirmations |
contractAddress | Contract address |
isMarginEnabled | Support margin or not |
isDebitEnabled | Support debit or not |
chains | chain list |
chainId | chain of currency |
chainName | chain name of currency |
depositMinSize | Minimum deposit amount |
depositFeeRate | deposit fee rate (some currencies have this param, the default is empty) |
withdrawalMinSize | Minimum withdrawal amount |
withdrawalMinFee | Minimum fees charged for withdrawal |
isWithdrawEnabled | Support withdrawal or not |
isDepositEnabled | Support deposit or not |
confirms | Number of block confirmations |
preConfirms | The number of blocks (confirmations) for advance on-chain verification |
withdrawFeeRate | withdraw fee rate |
withdrawMaxFee | withdraw max fee(some currencies have this param, the default is empty) |